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  • How to Grow a Church Community - Coffee Shops, Youth Programs & More!

    It doesn't matter if we're talking about our bodies, our minds or our spirits, people everywhere have hit the wall in their ability to live healthy, happy lives like never before. While the reasons are many, we know that there is more we can do to help individuals put God back into their lives! Our team can help YOU reach more people, save more souls and serve in bigger ways. We partner with God by:

    Inviting God & nature back into health & wellness.

    Inviting God & mission back into careers and business.

    Inviting God & love back into our communities.

    Improved Health, Sound Finances & Peace of Mind is Within Everyone's Reach When We Invite God Back In!

    Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and yeshall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you     

    • Programs are being offered virtually - with live and hybrid programs available in requested locations!

    • 919-671-6134

    Why are we living in a world with so much chaos? You know the reason . . .

    Hosea 4:6 "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge" 

    When God is systematically removed from every system in our society, chaos is the only possible result.

    But God gives us free will.  Which means we can make new choices.

    When did we decide that "man's knowledge" is more important than God's? Does it make more sense to integrate the best of both bodies of knowledge? What would happen if we combined the best of both God's and man's knowledge?

  • Give us a call 919 671 6134

  • What are the top 3 issues we address?

    Our team members have made a commitment to live happier, healthier lives.  Let us help you lead more people back to God and the promises He has  made to us!

    Lead Change in Your Community

    (& Build New Ones!)

    Team-Based Problem Solving can bring people together at the community level to develop new solutions utilizing the talents & knowledge of people closest to the problem.

    We can also help build NEW communities to house people, heal people & educate people!

    Check Out the HOPE Institute

    Create Financial Stability in an Uncertain World

    When inflation takes a bite out of the budget, it's time to learn new tips & tricks to beat back the inflation beast! Cost reduction, debt reduction & building multiple streams of income are all things we can do to improve our situation.

    Being a good steward of our resources is part of the equation, and we were also told we were meant to live an abundant life!

    Check Out the Prosperity Team

    Reintegrate God's Promises for Health & Happiness into Your Life

    The US spends more money on healthcare than any other country in the world. But our results rank 40th! How many of the other 39 countries integrate God's solutions with the best of mankind's solutions? Develop goals that integrate with your health providers, and with God's Promises. Explore products & technologies that incorporate nature's tools & elements for health & wellness.

    Check Out the Wellness Team

    About us

    The solutions teams at We Care Partnerships Network:

    • Have been through health challenges, prosperity challenges & have worked with community teams
    • Have done their own research to determine how to create their own new level of health, prosperity & peace
    • Have found God's promises to be valid
    • Have helped people overcome life trauma that can interfere with happiness in life

    If you have a desire for a better quality of life that allows you and your community to enjoy their families and their time on earth - call now!

  • Give us a call 919-671-6134

  • Our clients are happy

    Our team members have plenty of evidence to prove it!

    "We thank you at Single Women With Children, Inc. It has been a pleasure working with you all these years in supporting many of our programs, especially the Health and Wellness and I Got Talent Performance. In addition, you have connected our non-profit organization to some beautiful people. Keep up the excellent work!"Thank you,

    Patricia Mial-Mosley ,  Raleigh, NC

    Kidz in Biz participants

    "Wow, you can't imagine the impression Sheyenne & Don made on our young people after 5 weeks of entrepreneur training!  These kids now have another option.  They are no longer limited to what their environment dictates.  Biz Kidz, Inc. & Faith Assembly Christian Center thank Sheyenne & Don for their love & commitment to God's people.  We love & appreciate you!"  ~ Martina "Coach D" Dunford with Kidz Biz & FACC, Durham, NC

    Visit Faith Assembly Christian Church

    Your Questions Answered

    Are your programs virtual or live?

    Our preference is to create live events, drawing from your local knowledge base and adding to the events with virtual presentations from our national and international members.  This requires us having enough advance notice to engage with your local community to find your local resources.

    How long does your program run?

    Our programs are designed in part by the organizations we serve. They can be done over a day or two, or spread out over several weeks. It depends on the content we are asked to deliver and how the organization wishes to structure it.  In short, what kind of impact are you looking to make?

    Where does your knowledge base come from?

    Our team is made up of experts & educators who have been trained in specific solutions that integrate God back into our systems. Our focus is on helping people reintegrate God, nature and all forms of scientific knowledge into their lives.

    Is there a fee for your program?

    Our fee structure depends on the program we design for you and how long the engagement will last. Part of our service includes helping you raise funds to cover our services.

    Call 919-671-6134

    Have questions? Talk to us

    We Care About Hope


    [email protected]

    © 2023 We Care Partnerships Network, LLC  All Rights Reserved.